Educational Services
Welcome to Pleasant Valley School District's Educational Services webpage. The Educational Services division oversees the following areas:
- Instructional Practices
- Curricular Adoptions and Implementation
- Williams Compliance
- Professional Development (certificated)
- English Learner Services
- GATE Services
- Special Education Services/ 504s
- Dual Language Programming
- Federal and State Program Monitoring
- Title I
- Title II
- TItle III
- TItle IV
- TItle VI
- Local Control Accountability Plan development and oversight
- Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant Program
- Educator Effectiveness
- Assessment and Accountability, including CA Dashboard
- Academic MTSS
- Counseling Support Services
- Instructional Technology Implementation
- Independent Study Physical Education
- Universal TK Implementation
- Parent Engagement/Parent University
- Makerspaces
- Charter School Oversight
- Principal Instructional Coaching
- Arts and Music programming
- Career Technical Education
The Educational Services division implements research-based best practices to address the needs of our diverse student population.
Through the cycle of continuous improvement, staff engage in collaboration through Professional Learning Communities that focus on four essential questions:
- What do we want our students to learn?
- How will we know when they have learned it?
- How do we respond when they have not?
- How do we respond when they have?