Medication and Specialized Physical Health Care Services
Medications at School Guidelines
Any student who is required to take medication prescribed by his/her California physician during the regular school day may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel. Medication may include substances dispensed in the United States by prescription as well as substances that do not require a prescription, such as over-the-counter remedies, nutritional supplements, and herbal remedies (essential oils). (California Education Code 49423; 49423.1; 5 CCR 601) California Department of Education Medication Administration Assistance
The following is information pertaining to the medical needs of students. Follow these guidelines to determine the need for administration of medication during school hours. If your child should need to take medication during school hours, an 'Authorization for all Medication Taken During School Hours (SFA-5030 3/14)' form must be submitted. The medication form is valid only for the current school year or as designated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Special Education students. All medication should be delivered to and from the school by the student’s parents or guardian in the original pharmacy-labeled or manufacturer’s container. If you have any questions, call the Health Services Department at 805-389-2100 x1108.
- Short-term administration of medicine dose time can be modified within doctors' orders, enabling students to take their medicines before school, after school and at bedtime rather than during school hours. Examples are: antibiotics, eye or ear drops, and cough syrup or cough drops.
- If there is a need to take routine mid-day medicine on a temporary basis, either prescription or non-prescription, parent/guardian may bring the medicine to school and administer it to their own child via the health office. If this is not possible, follow the procedure outlined in #3.
- For those pupils whose condition is long term and need prescription or non-prescription medication in order to stay in school; or who may need medicine only on the appearance of symptoms (short term); or those students who need emergency medications or for students who are confined at school during a disaster and need medications (those medications that are regularly taken at home), the following regulations will be followed:
Per California Education Code Sections 49423, 49423.1; 5 CCR 601, any pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed by his/her California physician, maybe assisted by designated school personnel, if the school district received an Authorization for all Medication Taken During School Hours, School Activities, and Field Trips (SFA-5030 Rev. 10/2021)
- Section I: Completed by the parent or guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school district assist the pupil in matters set forth in the physician's statement.
- Section II: Completed by the supervising physician detailing the diagnosis, name of the medication (one medication per form), dosage, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken, and
Per California Code of Regulations, Title 5, 600-611: All Medications Should Be Adequately Labeled And Prepared In a Sealed Container By a Pharmacist or Physician. Request a pharmacist to put the prescription in two separate containers if the medication(s) is to be used both at home and at school.
Forms are located in the Forms & Files: All Medication authorization and additional forms are only current for one school year (the school year the forms are signed in August - June).
Medication at School Guidelines and Procedures
Additional Forms Required: For Epinephrine and/or Inhalers
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and Medication form (Epipen, Auvi-Q, or Generic)
Epipen Discount Card Information: Click here for a downloadable discount coupon for an Epipen
Asthma Emergency Care Plan and Medication form (Inhaler)
Student Agreement Asthma Management in School (Student carrying inhaler)
Specialized Physical Health Care Services (SPHCS)
SPHCS means those health services prescribed by the student's licensed physician which are necessary during the school day to enable the student to attend school. These services include diabetes, nebulizer, catheterization, gastric tube feeding, suctioning, tracheostomy, and other services. (California Education Code 49423.5; 5 CCR 3051.12)
The licensed physician of the student with disabilities who is required to receive physical health care services shall provide a written statement detailing the procedure and time schedule by which such procedures are to be given. In addition, the student's parent/guardian shall provide a written statement indicating his/her desire that the district assist the student in the matters set forth in the physician's statement and granting consent for the delivery of such services. (5 CCR 3051.12)
If your student needs these services, contact the Health Services Department at 805-389-2100 x1108.