Return to School with an Injury
Student Returning to School with an Injury
If your child has suffered a significant injury or illness, or is suspected to have suffered a significant injury or illness, during school or at home, he/she will not be permitted to return to school and/or activities (recess, PE, and/or competitive sports) until the school has received verification that the student was evaluated by a licensed health care provider. The written clearance and release from the licensed health care provider with precautions, recommendations, restrictions, and duration can be in the form of:
- Note from the Licensed Healthcare Provider, or
- Readmission to School of Student with Temporary Precautions/Recommendations/Restrictions (SFA 5110 Rev 6/15/2021). Form is available on the Forms & Files page
The only licensed health care providers that can provide the signed verification documentation are as follows:
- Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)
- Nurse Practitioner (NP)
- Physician Assistant (PA)
The injuries or illness that will need a written clearance and release verification document are:
- Bone fracture/broken
- Severe joint sprain, requiring a splint or cast
- Muscle strain
- Surgery
- Seizure
- Heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke
- Head injury/Concussion
Students injured outside of school:
Students who come to school with a cast, crutches, sling, and/or wheelchair without documentation from a healthcare provider should be held in the school health office until written verification documentation is obtained from the healthcare provider. If this is not accomplished in a timely manner, the student will be sent home until the school receives the documentation.
Students who come to school in a splint/brace or elastic sports bandage(s) without documentation from a healthcare provider should be held from recess, physical education class, and/or extracurricular athletics until clarification can be obtained from the parent, guardian, and/or healthcare provider.
Special Precautions for Concussion, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat Illness Management for Athletes:
An athlete who is suspected of sustaining an injury or illness listed above in an athletic activity shall be immediately removed from the activity for the reminder of the day, and shall not be permitted to return to the activity until he or she is evaluated by a licensed health care provider, acting within the scope of his or her practice. The athlete shall not be permitted to return to the activity until he or she receives written clearance to return to the activity from that licensed health care provider.