PC Meetings & Agendas
Meeting Location:
Pleasant Valley School District, Staff Development Center (SDC), 600 Temple Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010
PC Agenda can be found on the PVSD homepage under AGENDAS
Meeting Dates/Approved Minutes for 2022:
January 25, 2023
February 15, 2023 Canceled
March 15, 2023
April 26, 2023
May 24, 2023
June 14, 2023 Canceled
Additional dates are to be determined.
Annual Reports:
The Personnel Commission:
The Merit System is a form of civil service specifically designed for school employees who do not require a teaching credential to perform their jobs.
- Became effective in PVSD on December 1, 1966, as a result of a vote of the district’s employees.
- Provides for the open competition for public school jobs.
- Selection, retention and promotions based on merit are determined through examination related to the essential functions of the job.
- Employees should not be dismissed arbitrarily and can appeal disciplinary action taken by the Board of Trustees to the Personnel Commission.
Major roles:
- Maintain classification plan based on duties and responsibilities.
- Maintain pay plan based on “like pay for like service.”
- Maintain Merit System rules and regulations.
- Investigate and hear appeals from disciplinary actions.
- Maintain a plan for evaluating employees.
Valerie Barroso, Chairperson, Appointed by Commissioners
Maria Redekopp, Member, Appointed by the Service Employees' International Union (SEIU)
Vickie Bratcher Vice-Chairperson, Appointed by the Board of Trustees