Mandated Trainings (annual)
All steps are required.
Update your Emergency Contact Information online.
If you want District phone calls to go to your cell phone, list that as the home phone number in the PVSD employee portal.
Review the Mandated Notices and complete the Certification Form to declare that you have read and understood all of the Mandated Notices.
PVSD uses the Vector/Target Solutions training platform to meet our state annual mandated trainings requirements.
A. If you are a new employee, go to your PVSD District Email to "validate" before logging into Vector Solutions (link)
B. Complete the mandated courses assigned.
C. Once you have completed the assignment, the system will update the District's database. PVSD maintains all records electronically and submits records to the State of California per government and education codes.
D. If you have difficulty resetting your password or need assistance, please contact
Mandated trainings are a condition of continued employment and must be completed no later than September 30th, annually.