Studies show students with higher absenteeism rates have lower scores on national standardized tests. There is a growing body of research confirming the connection between school attendance and student achievement and reveals the critical importance of intervening as soon as absences begin to add up, whether early in a child’s school career or at the beginning of the school year. The good news is poor attendance can be turned around when policies and practices encourage schools and communities to partner with students and their families to monitor their data and implement promising and proven practices. : Students must attend school regularly to benefit from what is taught there. But each year, an estimated 5 million to 7.5 million U.S. students miss nearly a month of school. This lost instructional time exacerbates dropout rates and achievement gaps. It erodes the promise of early education and confounds efforts to master reading by the end of third grade.
Please see the menu of options for improving the attendance of your child.