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Work Permits

Minors employed in the state of California must have a Permit to Employ and Work (commonly referred to as a “work permit”). The Administrative Services Department issues Work Permits for students enrolled in Pleasant Valley School District. Work permits indicate the duties and location where the work will be done as well as the number of hours a minor may work. This is a two-step process.

  1. The minor along with the parent/guardian and employer fill out the Request For A Work Permit form and submit either electronically to Cindy Marquez or deliver a hard copy to the District Office at 600 Temple Avenue. 
  2. The Administrative Services Department will review the Request for A Work Permit and then issue the Work Permit if the request is approved.

If the minor wishes to work in the entertainment industry, an Application for Permission to Work in the Entertainment Industry must be filled out. The application can be submitted electronically to Cindy Marquez or a hard copy delivered to the District Office at 600 Temple Avenue. The Administrative Services Department will review the application and then return the application with the approval or denial.

You should allow at least a week for the process to be completed.  

Many people are unaware that what jobs a minor can do depends on their age.  A work permit does not entitle a minor to any job.  The Child Labor Laws Pamphlet gives guidance on what jobs are allowable at each age and how many hours a week each age level can work.