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Forms & Agreements


Use of technology at Pleasant Valley School District is intended to support students’ academic success. Students must read and agree to follow the rules outlined in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to use PVSD network accounts.

All PVSD students are responsible to take proper care of the Chromebook issued to them and must adhere to the guidelines and policies outlined in this agreement.


PVSD provides families the option of insuring their student's Chromebook against accidental damage and loss or theft. A parent/guardian may choose to insure the device for $25 per device. If the insurance option is declined, any costs associated with the repair or replacement of the Chromebook device may be the responsibility of the student/parent and will be billed accordingly.  All insurance payments are non-refundable and this agreement must be renewed and paid for each August/September for the upcoming school year.  Chromebook agreement forms without an accompanying "paid in full" payment are null and void.


(Purchase insurance link is only available until the last Friday in September)


This reference chart shows the current cost for parts and repair work for uninsured student devices.


PVSD authorizes District employees to use technology as necessary to fulfill the requirements of their position. The use of District technology is a privilege permitted at the District's discretion and is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in applicable Board policies, administrative regulations, and this Employee Acceptable Use Agreement.