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Textbooks & Library Services


Library Services

PVSD maintains an electronic library, powered by OverDrive.  This e-book and audiobook library is available to all students and staff.  Books can be accessed from any internet connected device. 

Additionally, each school has book collections in classrooms, Makerspaces, or school libraries. 

Instructional Materials

The California Department of Education establishes the procedure for the adoption of instructional materials. 

In this process, publishers submit instructional materials in the relevant subject area to the California Department of Education for evaluation by committees of educators and members of the public. The committees review the materials for compliance with the state framework and other standards. Those materials that meet these standards are adopted by the state for use in the schools.

At this school district, those textbooks adopted by the California Department of Education are reviewed by a curriculum committee in preparation for selecting the textbooks to be piloted in classrooms. The curriculum department selects pilot teachers based on interest, grade level, and school representation. The materials being piloted are sent to the schools for evaluation by staff and pilot teachers. 

During the selection process, those materials being considered for adoption are on display for staff and public at local school districts and at the Ventura County Office of Education. Comments and criticisms are welcome and will be noted.  Based on staff recommendation resulting from the pilot process, materials are submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

As our community partner, the Camarillo Public Library maintains student textbooks on each of the core subjects of the current adoption.

PVSD Board Policy Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials

PVSD Administrative Regulation Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials

PVSD Exhibit Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials